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Accounting services

Our individual approach to each customer according to the specific needs will allow you to focus on the most important business activities.

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Audit Services

Our external audit service is performed in compliance with the latest International Audit Standards and IFRS, issued by the IASB.

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Project Advisory

Within Project Advisory we are able to facilitate you to plan, develop, structure and supervise your business project.

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About us

A team of professionals with international experience

Having obtained the best practice while working for Big4 Companies and financial institutions, we are eager to implement the highest standard in your business.

Our team have shown ability to manage financial services as if they manage their own business showing great professionalism, ethics and respective due care.

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References from customers


I know Aleksandar from 2016, when he performed audits in Moscow, Russia. He was engaged in Finance, Operations and Compliance audits in English and Russian languages. He showed good understanding of the areas, which were assigned to him and high level of Russian language as well. People with whom he interacted are fully satisfied with his performance and business understanding. Then in August 2018 Aleksandar and I were involved in a Due Diligence project. It was so exciting, interesting challenge for the whole team. He demonstrated very good team work and collaboration. I find him very supportive, curious, open- minded and trustworthy person.

Financial Specialist

Бихме искали да споделим отличните си впечатления от съвместната ни работа с екипа на "Парентис" ЕООД по повод извършения финансов одит. Екипът на "Парентис" ЕООД, ръководен от Александър Братанов, работи с висок професионализъм и отговорност, и демонстрира отлични познания в областта на националното законодателство, международните одиторски и счетоводни стандарти. Спазването на поставените срокове и добрата организация бе от изключителна полза за нашето сътрудничество.

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We strive to keep our customers up to date with the most recent changes and trends.

Work in Parentis

Professional development in the financial and accounting sphere

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